OBA’s Sustainable Orchard Bee Certification Program

Since our founding, the Orchard Bee Association (OBA) has encouraged a role of stewardship, conservation, and enhancement of orchard mason bee populations. Recently, OBA has developed a process for certifying sustainably produced orchard bees. Our new certification program gives us a tool to implement these practices, with an ultimate goal of sustaining managed orchard bee populations and conserving wild bee populations.

Orchard mason bees, along with other solitary nesting bees, are wonderful pollinators and thus can be in high demand. Responsible bee production and management practices are critical to ensure the health and sustainability of orchard bee populations. For example, in areas where irresponsible methods occur, the native bees, including non-target species, have been found in reduced numbers afterwards and may contribute to reduced pollination rates in local flora. Since many OBA members are producers planning to be in business well into the future, it is in everyone’s best interest to promote methods of sustainable production and ensure there remains a diversity of other solitary nesting bees for the health of the environment as well as potential future resources.

The Orchard Bee Association is taking the lead on this issue. It is our intent that if producers follow these guidelines, they will be able to provide the desired orchard bee populations needed to meet industry demand with minimal impact on the environment. Purchasing bees from certified producers helps establish these best practices in the industry.